June 23, 2008

my new cooking blog!

ok, ok.....you arent that guilible..right? my friend sarah has this awesome blog where she puts recipies, directions, and sometimes takes pictures. she has to be the cooking queen!
anyhow.....katelyn told me the other day...."dont worry, grammy will teach me how to cook"
so i realized that i officially had failed her!
so i decided to make some brownies...not the kind from the box-which is the only kind i've made since we came back from kenya-so the other night i got to work.
i started making these brownies based on a butter free recipe i found in the mennonite cookbook...since i had no butter. i decided to replace the sugar with splenda. i figured that as long as the recipe had no shortening of any kind, i may as well make it as healthy as possible!
about this time, katelyn came into the kitchen and said "oh, you are gonna help me learn to cook" ha...right after i teach myself babe!=D well, needless to say, these brownies were especially gross.
so...not to be frusterated to easily, i plowed on. i dumped that batch, and got out more ingredients. this time i used sugar. but by the time the brownies were done...i realized that i was using bread flour.....eew...so i dumped those too. sensing a pattern?
so i waited for a day to try over. i invested in some margerine when gramma and i went grocery shopping the next day. so that night, oh, yeah..i tried again. this time i used a new recipe from a cookie cookbook...with butter. and i used actual flour. so everything was perfect as far as ingredients. we made fudgey brownies, or something like that. we had plans on who we were gonna give brownies too....the neighbors and the maillady, etc...
well...you know the ending to the story...the brownies were gross. and i dumped them. they barely tasted like chocolate...maybe i need new cocoa powder or something. I dont know, but clearly i cant bake brownies to save my life!
i think the title of this post could have been...how not to make brownies.
next time i want brownies...they are coming out of a box!!


mrhuston said...

That has got to be the funnest thing I have read I a while. You need your mommy to teach you how to cook. Seriously you should learn to cook for Katelyn and my sake. I might just ask for brownies from scratch.hahaha!

Meghan said...

Hahahaha, that post made my day. You're too funny... your diligence puts me to shame though. Maybe I'll try homemade one day!

rachel said...

hahaha bea i love it! the only thing i can suggest is actually using real butter - not margarine! (trust me, it makes all the difference) and of course no more splenda :)

love ya girl

Sarah said...

bea, as much as i appreciate being called a "cooking queen"... homemade brownies will not be flying out of my kitchen anytime soon. boxes are my friend when it comes to baking! baking and cooking are two way different things my friend! but honestly, i would have killed to be in your kitchen as this was happening!

PS I'll let you know when I'll be home for a day or more, and I'll come over.

kenyaninside said...

That's too funny! I am so the same way. If I'm going to cook (which I try not to do for the safety of those I love) I only do it from a box or freezer pack. Remember making cookie dough at your house at Rosslyn? I wonder if your mom ever found the measuring spoon that somehow got lost behind the stove...Good times. I miss you, girl!