June 20, 2008

gardening..little girl style

so this is just a quick story about basically nothing....read at your own risk...but i am just trying to get caught up on the whole blog thing.
the other day, i was weeding around the house and the whole time i am weeding i am thinking "if i were a snake...this is where i would hide" yes these are the stupid things that go through my head.
well the good news is that i didnt come across said snake...but when i pulled this clump of weeds from under the porch...there was a monstrous toad staring at me...and yes, i did scream like a little girl!

1 comment:

mrhuston said...

Hey don't worry we all have our weird thoughts. You know how I feel about long skinny necks.hahaha! Anyway I am sure that the monster toad was very hugh and probably very dangerous. So it was good that you scared him with your scream. Or maybe he just wanted a kiss from the princess Huston (that would be you). I love you!