October 11, 2008


book-it makes me teary.
apparently the book it program has been around for about 20 years, which is obviously accurate, because i remember doing it when i was in first grade. when i was a kid, i read everything i could get my hands on, and i am pretty sure that i was reading above my grade level too. anyhow, the point of that is that i never had any problem meeting my quota, in order to get the free pizza from Pizza Hut. and this pizza was a big deal. we never had money to eat out, so this was quite a prize. my biological mom and i would walk to pizza hut (i have no idea how far that was) and proudly carry back our tiny pizza=D i think they might have given out certificates too. i have no idea if i shared it with my mom or not, but my guess is that she probably let me eat it all. i was always so proud of myself for being able to "provide food"....such as it was, especially by doing something that came natural to me, reading.
yesterday in Katelyn's take home folder, there was a book-it form, honestly i didn't even realize they still had that program. Katelyn also, loves to be read to and is making huge progress with her own reading skills. needless to say, like her mommy, she wont have any problem meeting the monthly quota of ten books, she'll be just as proud of herself for earning that pizza, and no, her mom wont let her share her pizza either =D


carla said...

Book-It!!!! I haven't heard that word forever. My family never ate out so getting a pizza from a restaurant was a big deal for me! I never missed a month. Glad Katelyn is enjoying school so much. I'm sure that makes it easier for you. Speaking of reading...were you able to get into Three Cups of Tea at all?

mrhuston said...

Well I never liked to read so I am glad that she takes afetr you! I never ate out much either as a kid but as you know I really didn't need it! HAHAHA!