April 23, 2008

short random stories

sometimes katelyn says things wrong and its amusing....
the other day, we were talking about the crop walk... which she then refered to as the crap walk and the crab walk....in front of a high school teacher at canton.....maybe you had to be there, but it was quite amusing.....

earlier that day.....katelyn was getting married...to me....she brought me flowers and asked if i would be her waffle wedded wife.....hahaha.

twoish years ago, bryan's mom gave katelyn a talking play princess kitchen...last night in the middle of the night, i randomly hear a fake tea kettle going off and a voice saying "i love tea parties" over and over and over. I wonder what katelyn thought when she woke up in the middle of the night to her light beinig on and me unscrewing her kitchen....weird.

and weirder yet...on the way to supper tonight, i passed a guy on a bus stop bench...he was shaving his face with an electric razor.....in the middle of town....weird....

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